Women who come to the Cape Breton Transition House often arrive with just the clothes they are wearing. Here’s a sample of how the generous donations and sponsorships we received last year may have been used to help.
- $200 can provide emergency dental work needed as a result of abuse or poverty, when not covered by dental benefits.
- $175 can help 1-3 clients afford prescriptions not covered under plans. Clients frequently arrive to the shelter without life-saving medications.
- $100 grocery cards are provided to women starting over in their own apartment to help purchase kitchen supplies like spices, flour, and other staple items.
- $75 provides a movie or bingo fun night in shelter (helps up to 21 people with social inclusion and self care).
- $50 food vouchers are given to outreach clients in need.
- $20 can buy a cake for someone celebrating their birthday in shelter.
- $12 can pay for necessary menstrual supplies.
- $5-$10 gives a child staying in shelter a weekly allowance.
- $2 may not sound like a lot but a toonie can buy a coffee as a treat after an appointment and goes a long way to promote social inclusion.
Here’s how you can make an impact:
- Donate securely online at CanadaHelps
- Register, buy tickets or purchase THF Items
- Email the office to find out how you can become an event sponsor or a THF volunteer: admin@transitionhousefoundation.com